In this field, we conduct research and education on radiological technology, including not only image processing and image analysis, but also the collection of examination and image data, visualization, mining, and evaluation, in order to keep up with advances in state-of-the-art medical equipment and information systems. We also train advanced professionals who can demonstrate leadership and consultation skills in multi-professional collaborations and play an active role in leadership positions.
Master’s Degree
Master of Medical Science in Radiological Technology
The graduate school faculty actively engages in collaborative activities with companies and other universities, aiming to return research results to society. In particular, we actively accept joint research with companies, not only to return research results to society, but also to revitalize and diversify our education. To date, we have conducted joint research with Konica Minolta, Kokuyo, Wacom, NeU, and Toitsu.
Research Topics
- Progress and reversion in mild cognitive impairment: an 8-year follow-up MRI study
- A functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation of the Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR)
- Effects of low-dose X-irradiation on central nervous system
- Mechanisms of anti-tumor immunoactivity induced by low-dose X-irradiation
- Is exposure to 100 mGy or less of radiation really safe?
- Effectiveness of artificial intelligence for detection of abnormal findings on chest x-ray images
- Effects of breast density analysis on mammograms
- Improve workflow of radiological technologists using AI
- Study of AI applications in delivery monitoring systems
Teaching Staff
Satoshi Kasai / Professor / Ph. D. (Chair)
Medical Image Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Observer Performance Study
Naoki Kodama / Professor / Ph. D.
Brain Function Measurement, Early Diagnosis and Prevention of Dementia
Minoru Ishifuro / Professor / Ph. D.
The 3D images quantify the volume of each tissue in detail and use AI to predict disease risk factors.
Kenji Hanamura / Professor / Ph. D.
Neurobiology, Radiation biology
Noriko Sakurai / Assistant Professor / Ph. D.
Brain Function Measurement, Effects of ASMR on brain function, CAD evaluation of medical images
Michiharu Sekimoto / Associate Professor / Ph. D.
Advancements in Radiation Measurement, Radiation Protection, and Nuclear Medicine Technology.
Ken Ohno / Assistant Professor / Ph. D.
I conduct research on the analysis and processing of medical images (X-ray, CT, MRI, nuclear medicine, etc.) to achieve highly accurate diagnostic imaging. In particular, I am interested in non-invasive methods of measuring brain function using MRI.
Isamu Maeshima / Associate Professor / Ph. D.
Respiratory Gating in Proton Therapy (Radiation Therapy)