The “Support for Self-Reliance”, which is our aim in the Field of Prosthetics & Orthotics and Assistive Technology, not only aims to achieve partial functional improvement, but also supports the elderly and people with physical disabilities through the utilization of prostheses and welfare devices so that they may live on their own in all life scenarios. This field offers the possibility of analyzing scientific evidence pertaining to the human body and aims to train highly specialized professionals capable of providing multifaceted support to the targeted individuals in terms of their QOL and self-reliance. This is conducted through the collaboration with specialized professionals such as medical doctors, physiotherapists and occupational therapists and human resources capable of applying the results of research to the creation and adaptation of prostheses and welfare devices.
We educate human resources who will possess not only production-oriented skills in medicine and welfare devices but also the ability to cooperate with other types of professionals. The teaching staff possesses a variety of skills and plays an active and leading role overseas. Most professors have engaged in a kind of international activities (e.g. studying abroad, education, activities with NGOs) and hence can provide proper advice to the students who are interested in working abroad.
For the first time in Japan, we have opened a course on shoes and gait. Ahead of all graduate schools throughout the country, we started a “the Human Science of Shoes” in anticipation of the future fusion of expertise in the manufacturing of shoes and prostheses.
We use state-of-the-art tools made in Germany or in the Netherlands. We consider ourselves as one of the best institutions in the world in terms of the number of machines and the breadth of working space per student.
Master’s Degree
Master of Rehabilitation Science (M.Rehab.Sc.) in Prosthetics and Orthotics
Examples of Research Topics
- Basic and applied research on all prostheses and welfare equipment in general
- Research on the analysis of dynamic burdens on the body
- Research on energy consumption by muscles, using rigid-link models and muscle mechanics models
- Research on Shoes adjustment science
- Research on Development and evaluation of functional arch support (shoe insole) and footwear
- Research on Lower extremities orthosis for hemiplegia
- Research on Foot pressure (F-scan) analysis
- Research on Motion and Gait analysis
- Research on Muscular-skeletal simulation
- Research on Mechanical energy calculation
- Research on Human body balance analysis
- Research on Sports biomechanics
- Research on Prosthetic and orthotic gait analysis
- Research on Motion capture
- Research on Collaborative science in health and welfare
- Research on Rehabilitation for spinal cord injury
- Research on Database for spinal cord injury
- Research on Complication of spinal cord injury
- Research on Rehabilitation for cerebral vascular accident
- Research on Inter-professional education (IPE)
- Research on Virtual case module database for IPE
- Research on lower limp prosthetic socket fitting conditions with the use of kinesthetic sensors
- Research on the knee joint of above-knee prostheses
- Research on CAD/CAM systems
- Research on Orthosis therapy for children
- Research on bottom shape of the lower extremity orthosis
Teaching Staff
Kaoru Abe / Professor / CPO., Ph. D. (Chair)
Practice of shoes human science, Shoes adjustment science, Development and evaluation of functional arch support (shoe insole) and footwear, Lower extremities orthosis for hemiplegia, Foot pressure (F-scan) analysis
Akira Magara / Professor / M. D., Ph. D.
Collaborative science in health and welfare, Rehabilitation for spinal cord injury, Database for spinal cord injury, Complication of spinal cord injury, Rehabilitation for cerebral vascular accident, Inter-professional education (IPE), Virtual case module database for IPE
Naritoshi Sato / Professor / Ph. D.
Low back pain, Effects of age-related spinal alignment and core stabilizing muscles, Myotuning approach for patients with muscular dysfunction
Yukio Agarie / Professor / CPO., M. E.
Study to identify lower limp prosthetic socket fitting conditions with the use of kinesthetic sensors (three dimensional forces), Study related to prosthetic & orthotic fitting
Masaru Kanda / Associate Professor / MPT, RPT, Ph. D, OMT
Spinal disorder (Low back pain, Neck pain), Clinical Reasoning, Manual Therapy and therapeutic exercise for patients with musculoskeletal dysfunction, KEOMT National Instructor
Minoru Murayama / Lecturer / CPO., Ph. D.
Lower limb orthosis, Orthotic therapy for stroke patients
Yu Maeda / Lecturer / CPO., Ph. D.
Research on the Fitting of Prosthetic Socket and Gait, Research on 3D technology in prosthetics and orthotics
Soji Tanaka / Assistant Professor / Ph. D.
Biomechanics, Gait analysis for stroke survivors and The effects of Ankle-Foot orthosis.
Hironori Suda / Lecturer / CPO., Ph. D.
Research on alignment evaluation of lower limb prosthetic, Research on application of 3D technology in prosthetics and orthotics, Research on operational efficiency of body powered upper limb prosthetic.
Takahiro Go / Lecturer / CPO., Ph. D.
Research on the prosthetic gait analysis with motion capture, Research on the design of trans tibial prosthetic sockets with 3D digital technology