In the Field of Health and Sports, we provide education and research on human science, social science and natural science involved in sports and exercises. We reinforce the scientific base of health and sports through research on methodological problems in sport science, and at the same time, we train highly skilled professionals who will coordinate sports and exercises in a multidisciplinary manner. In addition, we conduct research on kinematics in physical training, health education, and coach training.
- Acquisition of specialized licenses (health and physical education)
- By obtaining a predetermined unit score, people who already have one type of teacher’s license for junior and/or high schools (health and physical education) can be granted specialized licenses (health and physical education). If classified according to academic frameworks, the Field of Health and Sports that responds to a wide range of research needs involved in sports would be multidisciplinary and connected to all fields. In order to answer to various needs of graduate students, we have further divided the field into three areas: the system of sports medical sciences, sports management, and sports pedagogics. Outstanding staff members capable of responding to various tasks are assigned as supervisors.
- Plenty of opportunities for employment
- Because of its multi-disciplinary nature, our field is related to multifaceted jobs. The graduates are expected to start careers in a wide variety of places such as educational institutions, government offices, companies in general, and many others.
Master’s Degree
Master of Health Science (M.H.Sc.) in Sports
Examples of Research Topics
- Modulation of neural plasticity based on metaplasticity priciple
- Development of new neuromodulation for motor learning and neural plasticity
- Reseach respecting the expertise of physical education teachers
- Tacit knowledge and management competence in various profession
- Association of mechanical factors with incidence and progression in knee osteoarthritis
- Pathomechanics of varus thrust during gait cycle in knee osteoarthritis
- Study of gene expression in heart failure induced sarcopenic muscle
- Quantification of relationship between health status and physical fitness in middle-aged
- High intensity training for competitive swimmers
- Controlled frequency breathing during swimming
- Spinal alignment in streamlined position of competitive swimmers
- Study of gene expression in heart failure induced sarcopenic muscle
- Comparative studies in the teacher training corrsponding to the 21st century skills
- A systemic innovation in the public education: towards the smooth transition from elementary to junior and senior hish schools
- Development of health teaching materials, methods, and evaluation
- Sports biomechanics for competitive sports
- Study of strength and conditioning
- Explosive power training for competitive sports
- Plastic changes in athletes' brain
- Investigation of neuromodulation methods for higher brain function in athlete brain
Teaching Staff
Koya Yamashiro / Professor / Ph. D.(Chair)
Physiology, Neurophysiology, Exercise physiology, Plastic changes in the athlete’s brain, Change detection systems in human
Daisuke Sato / Professor / Ph. D.
The plasticity induction and motor learning, Sensorimotor integration in human brain during water immersion, The effects of exercise on physical and cognitive function
Yasuyuki Nishihara / Professor / Ph. D.
Embodied knowledge, Human resource management, What does “the ability of sport management professionals” mean?, What is the ability of a PE teacher?, What is the ability of an athlete? What abilities should a head coach have?, Cognitive science, Embodied knowledge, Training for Meister
Go Omori / Professor / M. D., Ph. D.
Orthopaedic surgery (knee surgery and sports medicine), Epidemiology and pathogenesis of knee osteoarthritis, Motion and alignment analysis of the knee joint, Pain analysis before and after total knee arthroplasty, Epidemiology and prevention of fracture in childhood
Toshiro Sato / Professor / Ph. D.
Health science, Quantification of relationships between health status and physical fitness in middle-aged and elderly males and females, Equations to discriminate health status based on results of physical fitness tests
Yoshimitsu Shimoyama / Professor / Ph. D.
Coaching of swimming, Methods of evaluating swimming performance
Fumie Yamazaki / Professor / Ph. D.
Sports psychology, Sports counseling, Mental skill training, Educational counseling, Examining the peculiarities of athletes related to eating disorders and body images
Shigekazu Yoshida / Professor / M.A.in Education
Comparative and International Education, Educational System and Policy, Teacher Education, Alternative Education
Koshu Sugisaki / Professor / Ph. D.
Health instructions in cooperation with schoolteachers, Development of health teaching materials, methods, and evaluation
Masako Ishii / Professor / Ph. D.
Visual impairment care and rehabilitation, Pediatric ophthalmology related to visual perception, Social cooperation studies on Visual development and health
Keiichi Koshinaka / Professor / Ph. D.
Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Energy metabolisms in response to exercise & nutrition
Akiko Sato / Associate Professor / M.Rehab.Sc.
Sport nutrition, Thiamin metabolism and exercise
Hirofumi Shimojo / Associate Professor / Ph. D.
Sports biomechanics, Exercise Epidemiology, Flow visualization around swimmer, EMG in underwater, Relationship between body mass index and physical fitness, Kinesthesia during skill enhancement.
Akira Kumazaki / Associate Professor / Ph. D.
Athletic training, Sports Medicine, Epidemiology and prevention of sports-related concussion
Hiroki Sato / Assistant Professor / MSc
Comparative and International Education, Educational System and Policy, Lifelong Learning, Non-formal Education, Adult and Community Education.
Yasuhiro Baba / Assistant Professor / Ph. D.
Interoception in a human brain during water immersion, Coaching of open water swimming
Takao Mise / Assistant Professor / Ph. D.
Athletic training, Youth Athlete development, sports injury prevention and conditioning.
Etsushi Yamamoto / Assistant Professor / Ph. D.
Sport Management, Sport Governance, Sport Marketing, Creating Shared Value in Professional Sports Club Management
Genta Ochi / Assistant Professor / Ph. D.
Sports Neuroscience, Exercise Physiology and Biochemistry, Neural basis for changing brain function with exercise and sports, Development of evaluation methods using biomarkers for high performance in athletes
Koya Sato / Assistant Professor / Ph. D.(sport science)
Physical Education and Sports History / Digital Humanities / Sport Anthropology
Rio Nara / Assistant Professor / Ph. D.
Coaching of swimming, performance improvement in backstroke starts
Michiko Harigai / Assistant Professor / Ph. D.
A study on learning instruction in the horizontal bar exercise in first- to fourth-grade elementary school children
Yuiko Matsuura / Assistant Professor / Ph. D.
Athletic training / Sports physical therapy / Sports injury prevention
Tomomi Fujimoto / Assistant Professor / Ph. D.
Physiology, Exercise physiology, Environmental physiology, Human thermoregulation and sensory control during rest and exercise in hot and cold environment, Cardiorespiratory and thermoregulatory responses during swimming
Atsushi Shibata / Assistant Professor / Ph. D.
Sports biomechanics, Evaluation of the sports performance, Coaching for athletics